Film Synopsis: Coming 2 America. The African monarch, Akeem (played by Eddie Murphy) learns hat he has a long lost son (played by Jermaine Fowler) in the United States and must return to America to meet this unexpected heir & build a relationship with his son. GRADE: [A+] Coming 2 America! Coming 2 America! Coming 2 America! Coming 2 America! 30 years! It has been 30 years since the first movie and that was in 1988! I was only 8 years old when the first film came out.…
Read More“CHAOS WALKING” – is a Blunder
Film Synopsis: Chaos Walking. In the not-too-distant future, Todd Hewitt (played by Tom Holland) discovers Viola (played by Daisy Ridley), a mysterious girl who crash lands on his planet, where all of the women have disappeared & the men are afflicted by “the Noise” – a force that puts all their thoughts on display. In this dangerous landscape, Viola’s life is threatened – and as Todd vows to protect her, he will have to discover his own inner power & unlock the planet’s dark secrets! Could you imagine living in…
Read More“TOM AND JERRY” – Fail-Proof is Horrible Friendship
Film Synopsis: Tom and Jerry. Tom gets kicked out by his owners, due to failing to do his job as a house cat. Now he has no place to live along with his longtime rival Jerry, who has also left wandering the streets & decide to call a truce to their rivalry then go their separate ways to have a fresh start in their lives. Later the two cross paths in Manhattan, NYC and do you know what happens… Do you believe that two individuals can put aside their…
Read More“JUDAS & THE BLACK MESSIAH” – is so Good and Strong
Film Synopsis: Judas and the Black Messiah. In the late 1960’s, petty criminal, William “Wild Bill” O’Neal (played by Lakeith Stanfield) agrees to work as an informant for the FBI in order to take down Black Panther Party chairman, Fred Hampton (played by Daniel Kaluuya). Do you believe in this kind of justice? What is this to you? GRADE: [A+] I have NO words. I am still literally numb. For movies like this, Judas and the Black Messiah – I always feel the same way……..the SAME exact way: numb, frozen, and…
Read More“The MAURITANIAN” – is Authentic
Film Synopsis: The Mauritanian.{THIS FILM IS BASED ON TRUE EVENTS!!!} A detainee (played by Tahar Rahim) at the U.S. Military’s Guantanamo Bay Detention Center is held without charges for over a decade and seeks help from a defense attorney (played by Jodie Foster) & her assistant (played by Shailene Woodley) for his release. Do you know how many wrongfully accused men and women are rotting in prison for crimes that they did not commit? Do you even think about that – ever? Who fights for them, but themselves? Are they believed at all?…
Read More“THE LITTLE THINGS” – Mean So Much…but are Hidden in a Foolish Way
Film Synopsis: The Little Things. Clashes between a Kern County deputy (played by Denzel Washington) and a Los Angeles detective (played by Rami Malek) occur during the investigation of a serial killer (played by Jared Leto) ! Will the killer be brought to justice – or is this just a manhunt for a serial killer? What is it really? GRADE: [C-] When I first saw the preview for the movie, The Little Things, I was actually a bit – stunned! Why you ask? Simple. Why does this movie have Denzel Washington in…
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