Film Synopsis: Kya (Daisy Edgar-Jones), a young woman who raised herself in the marshes of the deep South becomes a suspect in the murder of a man, Chase Andrews (Harris Dickinson) she was once involved with.
Trav’s Critique on “WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING”: ➡️ I have NOT read the book, Where the Crawdads Sing, but living in Louisiana where this movie was filmed – I will say this…what you will see was NOT BASED on true events, but ALL the events that Kya endured, and I do very much mean ALL of them – you might as well say that this film was based on true events. Crawdads are mighty popular where this film was shot on location in Louisiana – very popular!
At one point in the film, I, myself got very sentimental because I started to feel drawn to that one pivotal characteristic that Kya had grown very much accustomed to from a very young age and she had no other option, but to adapt to it and that scary element of life that she had to adapt to was – loss.
I said I identified with it because loss is something a diverse amount of people struggle with on a continual basis. Loss. Kya kept losing everything: family members, books, memories, then Tate. After that, she closed herself off to any and everything – the severity of loss was way too severe for her to possibly bare. Right then and there, I felt her dilemma. I felt her pain. I knew exactly what she was feeling on that beach in that scene.
That is what this entire film is about in a nutshell. You pick up on it very rapidly & it’s so evidently clear. Deep in the Marshes where the crawdads sing as Kya is known as “The Marsh Girl,” people assume she is shy, slow, a retard, weird, etc. Basically, people treat her as if she’s an introvert. In reality, she is, and it shows, but she slowly breaks out of her shell thanks to finding love with Tate.
From a very young age, Kya had to watch each, and every single member of her own family leave her home one by one…one after another…after another…due to her father’s negligence, verbal, mental, and physical abuse of his wife and other children. Kya decided to stay and learn from all of their mistakes to try and support her father and be there for him because she had a good, nurturing, and pure heart of gold and it definitely shined through.
Anyone could see it if they did not pre-judge her based on things they had “heard around town” via gossip. I detest people who treat others with such a low disregard and do not even know them – judge them solely based on what they have heard and never actually got to know the actual person themselves. That is how Kya got on trial in the first place – by simple people bad mouthing her and making FALSE accusations. So many INNOCENT people are incarcerated now in the present day due to that very thing and its sickening to me! Being voted guilty solely because you act a certain way or different from others.
This movie brings out everything and so much more than what I am writing about. I feel that this movie is the equivalent of last year’s movie, “Dear Evan Hansen.” I say that simply because both that film and this one was both so sad and depressing; but @ the same time – both main characters had a unique essence about them that captured the screen!

Both characters from both films, they captured our hearts in the messages that they conveyed to us all! Never close your heart to love, to anything. Loss is a part of life. We all must experience it, but like Kya – she prevailed because she had the strong knowledge and willpower….YOU do too!
Truly looking foward to seeing this one I have been hearing a lot! I feel it might be a little close to home, but what doesn’t kill us made us stronger!
It is a LOT close to home! This movie truly is fantastic, but also @ the same time it pricks @ your heart – at anyone who has a heart….