All in all, the film was utterly original as the other 2 previous films – but do NOT be fooled by that. Peele is a genius! I don’t feel like the film is really about aliens; not from what I saw at least! But you Peele…what you actually think you see – you really don’t! But UFO’s….what do you think – exist, really or not?
I saw them promoting it on the red carpet and was like, “Do I want to go see this?” And was like “Nope!” 🤣 don’t want to be that thrilled where I’m scared of what happens next lol Thanks for your review! I know Peele always will run you for a loop with his out of the box thinking
Yup – this is the RIGHT title for the film. NOPE, because just as soon as you see something out of the ordinary you would say the title of the film hence why Jordan Peele named it the way that he did. If you are worried about being scared – don’t be because it is not a horror film; at least in my estimation, honestly.
I’m so curious! I might get my youngest to go with me! I loved Us! Unique to say the least!!! Thx Travis!
Well of course Y’ALL did because it was US – Get out! NOPE, it was y’all! Did you see what I just did there? I think that it what Jordan does what his movie titles – he ties to keep them all inter connected!
I Gave It A 5/5 Too. Jordan Is So Original.
Facts He is utterly and VERY original, but his moviez still captivate millions all across America!
This is the first positive review I’ve read and as always encourages me to see it!! I did wait for years before I saw Get Out! As always with your reviews I like how you incorporate life into it..…what is NOPE really about!
NOPE is really about something unexplainable. If you know about Jordan Peele’s work and how he operates – then I need say no more so yup, welcome to NOPE! HELL NOPE!
Another brilliant review brother! As always it’s that underlining message that we find in each and every movie and with Mr Jordan Peele like you said it best he is very uniquely one of a kind and that Creative Vision just blossoms perfectly. Another perfect gem he has created only making our anticipation of what he’s going to do next even more intriguing.
Thank you Broski! I just love it when you call me brilliant!!! Our minds are always on the same wavelength when it comes to movies! Even Mr. Cryptic Jordan Peele’s films. Wonder what his next worldwide phenomenon will be called? If I had to make an assumption on a title from what he’s had so far, I’d go with: “Together.” What do you think?
11/10 movie. just saw it with some friends and there were some very serious parts so you will need to prepare yourself. but Jordan respects the creative space he is working in and takes you along for the ride. a film about living at the edge of technology, of spectacle. too much spectacle? when will you tap out? are you along for the ride?
Wow! You replied! When you left out of the store, I was expecting either 1 of 2 things – one, a reply within a few moments because I thought u were going to read my review when you left or two, I wasn’t going to hear from you at all. Then, I get an alert you posted a comment on my website! Thank YOU so much! Did you agrre with my review? I’m going to e-mail you with NOPE in the Subject line. Look out for it!
Your review helped me look at the movie differently. From the previews I was like nah do I really want to watch this. Hearing it was just as good as his other films I’m looking forward to go seeing it.
His films always are intriguing – not good. His places a deep & psychological hisgorical meaning to his films. He forces you to open your mind to both old and new perceptions of life. Yup, NOPE does that.
I thought I wanted to see this, I guess I’ll wait until it hits a network.
NOW!! NOW, I can say that YOU left a review – but my question to you is this (while you are laughing & I bet you are) – did you actually read my review OR just post this comment to get me off your back? #TruthTime
I’ve recently started a web site, the info you offer on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.
Good luck on your website as well! You are welcome!!!