Film Synopsis: A divorced couple (George Clooney & Julia Roberts) that teams up and travels to Bali to stop their daughter (Kaitlyn Dever) from making the same mistake they think they made 25 years ago!
Trav’s Critique On “TICKET TO PARADISE” ➡️ Is there really such a ticket like this? A Ticket to Paradise. LOL! An actual ticket to paradise? What really is paradise to YOU? Yup, I’m asking you! I’m talking to you reading my review right now. Haha! If someone came up to you right now and offered, you this magical ticket to paradise – where would you use it go …IF it really existed? Would you take one person with you if that was an option? Do you think that you could be happy and self-fulfilled living life for the rest of your days on Earth all alone with no love?
No one to share your life with? While watching this film, I had those same exact thoughts, questions, and many more swarm around in my head and the one thing that kept bubbling up to the surface about David and Georgia was that they are like so many other couples in the world today that get divorced if you really stop and think about it, realistically. There are some couples that have separations/divorces that end abruptly and bitter; the couple cannot even stand each other; let alone be in the same room with one another or in close proximity with each other. Then on the other hand you have couples that divorce and can remain cordial and civil, and they leave it at that.
Then there are couples who can divorce, get re-married, realize their mistake to divorce and get back together. The point that I am trying to make is that in this film Clooney’s and Robert’s characters could not stand each other, but it was not hostile and when it came to them trying to stop their daughter Lily from making the same mistake they did because their marriage did not work out – they formed an alliance; temporarily to get along to stop her. Parents always want their children to be better than them and to make better choices than they did.
We all know this; but what parents need to understand is that at some point they need to let go and allow their children to make their own choices and live with the consequences of those decisions that they chose to make without anyone’s outside influences. Parents should let their children know that and always let them know that when they fall; they will be there to catch them because no matter how old they will get, they will always be their “little boy” or little girl.”
In Ticket to Paradise, the character of Gede was a very mature young man for Lily and for her to go to Bali after she graduated from college and to adapt to a whole new lifestyle and way of living and to get engaged to a boy, she had only known for such a short period of time – that’s life. That happens and the reaction that Lily’s parents had – TOTALLY NORMAL! ANY parent in the world would want to question and overreact the way that they did. The film was a comedy, but it was romantic and sweet as well. It hit on all the major points in any family’s life when it’s time to let your child go and grow.
But I will say that Lily’s BFF, Wren who is played by Billie Lourd – OMG, she is hilarious as hell in this film! And the scene where they were all playing Beer Pong…I wish that I could rewind that part in the theater and play it over and over again because that beer ping scene is my one and only ticket to paradise right there! When you watch the film, what do you think your ticket to paradise will be aka YOUR favorite scene in the movie? Tell me!! I wanna know!

This was a predictable film for me because I predicted what would happen at the end of the film, but not the “FINAL FINAL” end. You will understand what I mean when you see it because you will NOT be able to miss it.
My Ticket To Paradise Is A Town Full Of AMC Theaters, Every One Would Get Every Movie That Came Out, Every One Would Have Every Format, And Every Movie Is Free, That Is My Ticket To Paradise.
Stay out of my mind, you!! Lol!! That ticket has already been claimed – BY ME!!!
Yup! You are gonna have to come up with another ticket to paradise my good friend unless you hitch a ride with me! And before you ask – damn right you can!