Film Synopsis: The saga of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) comes to a spine-chilling climax in this FINAL installment of the franchise.***THIS IS CURTIS’ LAST & FINAL FILM IN THE HALLOWEEN SERIES!***
Trav’s Critique On “HALLOWEEN ENDS” ➡️ All I have to say is that Director David Gordon Green has brought a successful end to the Halloween Saga. I CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT believe that a movie series with such passion, horror, thrills, chills, mayhem, and so much more that has been a part of millions upon millions of people’s lives for years from when they were children, and now adults and their children and their children’s kids and so on and so forth will NO LONGER be a part of our lives! Halloween Ends.
It truly ends here. I cannot believe that this is it. I know that I was not the ONLY one who was thinking or had the thought that Michael Myers aka ‘The Shape’ was not going to die. I mean that was an evil who ate animals and had the strength of some sort of mythical creature, who had been shot, hanged, drowned, strangled, stabbed multiple times, burned/buried alive, decapitated (falsely). NO matter how many films that have been made including the two Rob Zombie re-makes; one thing still and always remained the same – Michael Myers was NEVER called a man or a human being.
He was simply called pure evil. That is who Michael was. It truly never was revealed why in the 1978 initial film why Myers killed his older sister Judith – why he chose to go down this bloody killing path of destruction and wanting to kill every member of his family. Of course, all Michael would do is breathe though that mask and we could catch a glimpse of his face here and there in certain Halloween films; but that was it. Will you get to finally see his face in its entirety here in Halloween Ends? You know me – I’ll NEVER tell – but there are some things that I would love to share with you about the film in addition to what I have just shared.
It was revealed a year ago by both Jamie Lee Curtis & the Director that this film would have an ending that no one saw coming and it would be spine-chilling, and the Director would take Halloween Ends on a totally different journey than any other Halloween film in the franchise – I NEED to expound on that!!! The Director was DEAD SPOT ON! When Halloween Ends first came on …the original music did not play – I noticed that immediately and my first thought was am I in the right film? LOL!
The opening scene began to come on and then I noticed the second thing – the letters were BLUE and NOT orange. I started saying to myself, this Director is not fooling around with what he promised audiences a year ago – Mikey just might die and Halloween might just end! I’ll see …this film was all about the FINAL reckoning between Laurie Strode and her brother Michael Myers.
These two iconic Halloween characters closing this film out in this way that they did – I honestly did not think it could be done; nor did I want it to be done because these Halloween films are a part of my life as they are; I’m sure a part of YOUR life and everyone has either seen or heard of these films or characters in the movie/s. Just a spoiler for you: There is a very “unique” character that you will most certainly recognize that makes an appearance in the film, but only if you have watched the last TWO films!

To see this VERY ICONIC story finally after 44 years reach a climax as it did and close …WOW, all I can leave you with is Halloween Ends – yup, Halloween Ends!
I Hope I Agree Because Most Of The Reviews I Saw Were Negative. I’m Seeing It Tomorrow.
Well, my brain just is NOT programmed that way – all movie critics portray films as either bashful – or negative; that’s why I try to avoid reading or hearing any conversation of film critiques until I see the film for myself which is probably where I picked up going on Opening Weekend from, actually! LOL! Or, it could just be from my love for movies – a mixture of both. Who knows – but everyone has their own opions to formulate & we can’t fault anyone for thinking what they do, right? Hope you enjoy it when you see it!