What’s “The Equalizer III” About?
Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) finds himself @ home in Southern Italy, but he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what needs to be done: become his friends’ protector by taking on the Mafia!
Have We Seen The End of The Equalizer?
Denzel Washington has been portraying this role as the killer assassin since 2014 since he debuted this role. What could it be that prompted Denzel to want to give up doing these films because he is legendary in them? Wouldn’t you agree? I mean the sequels just keep getting better and better. I have made the comparison that these films are even better than a mixture of the John Wick movies PLUS any Quentin Tarantino film COMBINED! The massive and brutal killings that Washington delivers in these films are top notch and the John Wick films have nothing on these films. Sure, they are both similar – but with these Equalizer films, there is one critical element that sets his killings apart from those of John Wick – precision. It’s all about the timing.
Robert McCall Meets CIA Agent Collins
Agent Collins wonders how McCall knows so much about her, the classified assignment that she has been tasked with, and a varied amount of other things that she is involved in. It is revealed at the close of the film how they are linked, but when she is first introduced, it never occurred to me how those two are connected. The thought never even entered my mind. It may enter yours, though. Dakota Fanning looked a little too young to be a CIA Agent and to be questioning hard-nosed criminals and being on crime scenes. I don’t know, but that is something that I always immediately notice in films when certain roles do NOT suit certain actors because of how they look – or will be perceived in the movie. Fanning just looked like a little girl instead of a CIA Agent investigating a crime. Just my opinion.
Reminiscing The Equalizer
Since the advertisements and talk of this movie are proclaiming that this is the FINAL film in the series there were flashbacks shown from the previous two films & the final scene from the movie was from one of the previous two films and it was a very touching and moving scene. As we all know and have come to realize, all good things must come to an end, but if this truly is the final Equalizer – it ended the way Robert McCall wanted to end his career and what he knew and wanted to get away from – a life running and killing; just to be happy and free. And, if this is not, I am ready to see more; if there is a spin-off; I will have to see how that will play out. I don’t know. We don’t know.
Love these movies!! Denzel is definitely a favorite. Loved him in Man on fire with Dakota! Hubby really loves the Equalizer movies. Great review Trav!
You said that the hubby loves these films – but do you LOVE them just as much as the hubby does? ALL of the online articles were saying that this is the first reunion between Dakota and Denzel since Man on Fire. Did you know that as well?