“SUPERNOVA” – Shines Brightly and New and Fierce

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Jan• 29•21

Screenshot 20210706 235221 Photo FramesFilm Synopsis: Supernova. Sam (played by Colin Firth) and Tusker (played by Stanley Tucci) are traveling across England in their old RV to visit friends, family, and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with dementia 2 years prior, their time together is very special, cherished, and is the most important thing that they have together…..will they make the most of it?


Getting into this movie, Supernova – I can see how “astronomy” can be irrevocably attached to this film. To make a long story – well review, short; in my eyes, Sam who was Tusker’s lover in the film, was his everything – he was the name of the movie that illuminated so brightly – Supernova. Do you know what a “Supernova” actually is? It is a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass. That is a Supernova.

That IS Sam – a Supernova. Sam was the IDEAL companion for Tusker, another Supernova. He was EVERYTHING that Tusker needed him to be. He was strong when Tusker was weak and lacking, he was attentive when Tusker was losing focus, careful when Tusker was not, watchful when Tusker was lost, considerate when Tusker was angry, loving when Tusker was frustrated, sincere, generous, genuine, faithful, compassionate, and I could go on and on about Sam’s qualities. I love Supernova!
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How fortunate are people to find someone on this earth as their Soulmate, and their equal as these two did? Taking the sexual orientation aspect out of it, these two men not only respected, but also cherished each other until the end. I have to ask – who wouldn’t die to have this kind of equal partnership and total unconditional love? 
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To have a partner to stay with you while you are dying and know that you are dying, and while you are sick & you are trying everything that you can to push them away, and try NOT to be a burden to them, they love you that much that they are willing to fight WITH you, and NOT against you until the end and motivating you to prevail even though you know you are going to die – they are rooting for you to pull through until the end and to remind you to never give up and they will be there, and they WANT to be there every second…..and every minute by……your……side! 
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This kind of love, and commitment just leaves me speechless! Doesn’t it leave you feeling chills all over your body to have someone proclaim their undying love to you like this over and over again? How would that make you feel knowing that someone has that kind of tenacity for you like that? Tusker knew that he was going to die, and he did not want to live a life where he was going to forget what his lover, close friends, and family looked like; not being able to recognize them because of his dementia. He wanted to give up. It was very daunting to him, and he always liked being in the driver’s seat and now as he said, this illness forced him to be a passenger, and he did not like that feeling.
I am NOT personally speaking from experience, but I can only imagine how there are so many ill people in the world who feel the same way as Tusker and want to give up because they do not see a light at the end of the tunnel or so not want to be pitied or want to be cast as a burden on others to take care of them, and see suicide as an easy option rather than fighting even when doctors have told them how much longer they have left. It’s just a reality. 
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It was hard to watch certain scenes in the film because of Sam and his strong love that he had for Tusker and Sam did not want to let Tusker go – he did not want Tusker to die. That was hard for me to watch. 
Im Ready To Be Destroyed by Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci in Love With Each Other in Supernova
Who wants to see the person that they love slowly deteriorate and die? No one, but it is a part of life – we all will have to die, BUT it is how we CHOOSE to live the time that we have on this earth is what counts and as Tusker said in the film – he wants to be remembered for the man he WAS and NOT the man that he is becoming because of his medical condition and let’s all raise a glass to that, shall we? So, therefore, I say – let’s toast……To Tusker!
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“This is love. True love.” #TonightWithTrav

“THE MARKSMAN” – Better Beware

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Jan• 16•21

Screenshot 20210706 235251 Photo FramesFilm Synopsis: The Marksman. Arizona rancher, Jim Hanson (played by Liam Neeson) is trying to make a living on an isolated stretch of borderland. All he wants is to simply be left alone as he fends off eviction notices. But everything changes when he witnesses and 11-year old (played by Jacob Perez) fleeing with his mother, Rosa (played by Teresa Ruiz) from drug cartel assassins led by the ruthless Mauricio (played by Juan Pablo Raba). What will happen to the kid and Jim- The Marksman…



Starting 2021 off with a Liam Neeson film like The Marksman is such an AWESOME way to bring in a new year! I am SO so so very much glad that I did NOT have to wait months, and months to see this movie! I was hoping and praying that it did not get pushed back like so many other films due to the horrendous pandemic that occurred last year and that is still on-going!

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Neeson NEVER disappoints in any film that he does – well let me clarify that……any ACTION film that he does like this, The Marksman! Lol! This film was “off the chain” and “off the charts!” I could see how it was Number One at the Box Office opening weekend, and how it blew out WW84. Even when he did “Honest Thief” last year, that movie was Number One as well. The Marksman!
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Liam Neeson is just one “killer” actor. Plain and simple. While watching the movie, The Marksman – I had the opportunity to reflect on how this type of cruel behavior really happens not only in Mexico, on the borders, Columbia, but anywhere. The Cartels can be anywhere and anyone for that matter. The Marksman! 
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It is ironic how they say in the movie, and this can be possibly true in real life: the actor who portrayed the role of the Cartel Boss, Maurico said to Jim this phrase – “I didn’t have a choice!” – When he said that, my IMMEDIATE thought was – yes, yes you do. At the end of the movie, Jim hands Maurico a gun and says to him, “now you have a choice.” What path ‘aka’ choice do YOU think Maurico chose THIS time around with this second opportunity?
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I HATE when I hear people in the world today say that they do not have a choice! Everyone, and I do mean everyone has something called free agency, and what that means is that you have a choice and it is YOUR decision to do what is right or what is wrong, and there are consequences to what we choose to do and the paths that we CHOOSE to follow and to take. 
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Maurico CHOSE to take the dangerous and criminal path. He chose to be trained and brought up into that life – even if he was forced into doing it; he could have refused – even if they would have shot and killed him or they threatened to kill people he loved – it is like I said; there are consequences to the decisions we make and sometimes we have to make hard choices for the greater good if they will benefit us in the long haul.
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Jim was a man of Honor and integrity and he was trying to instill those same exact morals into Miguel just as Miguel’s mother was trying to show him by forcing him to learn English, to study hard, focus on his studies, do homework, etc. People show love in all sorts of ways and children might see it as a punishment or being hard on them but sooner rather than later they will get it – they will see it was all for their own good. 
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This movie teaches a lot about the perseverance that Jim Hanson had – he would not give up – once he committed to something – he would see it through until the end. That is a man with integrity. The film is more than killing and good versus evil. It is about putting one foot in front of the other and pressing forward and leading by example and being a positive influence and a role model to others and overcoming obstacles and challenges no matter what!
The Marksman GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

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“Neeson does not dissapoint!” #TonightWithTrav

“WONDER WOMAN 1984” Is A Great 2020 Christmas Gift That Uplifts!

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Dec• 25•20

Wonder Woman 1984

Travis Grade Of: [A-] Wonder Woman 1984




My Critique On “WW84” is this – I have been waiting eagerly for this BIG……EXPLOSIVE……..HUGE……..PHENOMENAL BLOWOUT of a film, but what I saw was……..

Film Synopsis: In 1984, Diana Prince (played by Gal Gadot) comes into conflict with two formidable foes – media businessman Maxwell Lord (played by Pedro Pascal) and friend-turned-enemy Barbara Ann Minerva aka Cheetah (played by Kristen Wiig) – while reuniting with her love interest, Steve Trevor (played by Chris Pine).
Classification of Film: Adventure, Action, & Fantasy


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…..just that, but I wish that it could have been MORE exhilarating and MORE powerful – just MORE of everything. Just more! MORE! MORE! MORE! 
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Let me say this……I must have seen the trailer to this almost a dozen times & I am not talking about on my cell phone, or laptop on my own personal time – I mean each and every time I went to the theater this trailer was shown in EVERY movie that I have seen in theaters since the pandemic leading up this point –
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….the same exact trailer was shown in EVERY movie that I saw; so when I saw a scene that was in the trailer came on in the movie, or I’d hear a line or even saw a facial expression that I saw in the trailer, I felt like I could check it off my checklist (as if I had one, actually) to see if it matched up. 
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Do you know how in some movies, things are shown in the trailers, but then when you see the movies you are looking for it or maybe certain scenes because you have a “favorite part?” That happened for me in this. The ENTIRE trailer was spread out in the film and I loved that. 
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I also loved that the start of the film laid the groundwork for the entire film and matched the end. When the film came on there was a competition in Themyscira and Diana was given a lecture AFTER the competition was over by her mother and her Aunt about the meaning of honesty and truth and the phrase that they told her was this -“no hero is born from lies.” 
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That phrase is what this entire movie was about – Maxwell Lord. He wanted to take a shortcut to win; to gain success. There are NO shortcuts in life or to success. You have to fight; you have to prevail to win. Nothing comes to no one easily. 
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You have to practice, put one foot forward in front of the other and go for what you want and do not cheat. That is the lesson Max had to learn and what young Diana had to learn as well and I caught that connection which is most likely why the film began that way. I wish that Diana’s mother could have been in the film instead of only in the beginning. 
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Having Steve Trevor act like Diana reacted to things in the first movie because he had been away for so long was funny the way re reacted to everything because it was 1984! Funny! The mall scene was hilarious to me when Wonder Woman tries to stop to robbery! The kids and how she saves them and also their little cute faces and how they react to her was so cute! No lie! 
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Casting Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman I feel is pure perfection. She has the vibe! She has the look! She has the magic! She has the skills! She has it all! I know that Lynda Carter originated the role, but Gal Gadot is SIMPLY AMAZING! I applaud her taking on such an iconic role like this and she “soars” with it! To say that this film takes place 60 years later, Diana is dressing and looking like it is 2020 and not 1984. When I saw how she looked, i was like saying to myself, are we watching this in 1984? Lol? Look at her wardrobe? 
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They made this in 1984? Really? Wow! Lol! Getting to the character of Barbara – she, at first was a timid and shy nice woman who everyone just talked to any kind of a way and bullied until she met Diana – strong, sexy, fierce, and Barbara admired that and wanted to be like her. 
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To expound on that just a little bit further, when someone meets a person who is someone influential to them or they see them as a role model, they can look up to that person and they can get to know that person and hang around them and learn from them how to be that way and not take such drastic measures as Barbara did. 


Not saying that there are magical emeralds around the world where you can make a wish to be strong and fearless. People can change; people can adapt and be whoever they choose and want to be – it is how they go all about it. Being strong, to me, does not mean going around fighting and throwing people around and breaking things. 
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Being strong to me is knowing that you are strong enough to be vulnerable, being able to speak your mind without using obscene language, acting like a lady or a gentleman, respecting everything and everyone around you, knowing how to handle difficult situations, knowing how to talk to people and not at them, knowing how to be mature, knowing how to think and not to react, etc. 
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All of these things are things that Diana was talking about when she told Barbara look at what she is losing about herself because she wants to be a strong bad-ass, literally. 
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Don’t lose yourself and become someone or something that you are not to be feared – be respected and not feared. Diana has a special message for you in the movie and you will know when she is talking to you……yes, YOU! Heed her words…

“PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN” Is A Promising Masterpiece That Is Quite The Showpiece!

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Dec• 23•20
Promising Young Woman

 Travis’ Grade Of: [A-] Promising Young Woman




My Critique On “Promising Young Woman” is this – it takes you on one wild ride, thanks to Cassandra…….
Film Synopsis: A young woman, Cassandra, (played by Carey Mulligan) traumatized by a tragic event in her past, seeks out revenge against those who cross her path!
Classification of Film: Comedy, Crime, & Drama
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……because this chick is NOT psycho per se. Me, personally after watching the film, and having such high expectations for it; I wouldn’t say that I was disappointed, but rather, I was expecting something different from what the trailers presented to me, and most likely others. 
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Candidly speaking, from the trailers that millions of people saw; they, similar to me, were most likely thinking they were going to see some sort of brutal murder/s and/or some kind of vicious attacks that Cassandra preys on men for something tragic that happened in her past that is keeping her from living her present……..
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…….from truly fulfilling her destiny of becoming a doctor, and living life normally and happily; successfully as she wanted to before this tragedy ever happened that she just cannot seem to face or conquer……..
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 ……..or overcome no matter how hard she tries, and no matter how much her friend and fellow co-worker and boss, Gail or her parents try to support her, and try to make her see that life is so much more worthwhile & fulfilling instead of being stuck in the past, [wanting to seek constant revenge on innocent men


…….or people who wronged her, or tried to take advantage of vulnerable women. For Cassie, she wanted to be like a “comic book hero” in my opinion; a protector for very vulnerable women who could not protect themselves against men who took advantage of them when they got too intoxicated, and then the men either sexual assaulted them and/or took advantage of them, and their severe vulnerable state. 
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The film is about the topic of “rape culture” in our society. This is a dark film and I can appreciate the time and effort that everyone involved in this project put fourth in wanting to make a film that addressees such an important topic such as this one because it is one that needs to be addressed and it is not to be taken lightly. 
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Getting back to the character of Cassandra; I felt like she had 2 personalities. One was her being herself – but not her “true” self when she was around her family, and the few friends or Dr. Ryan that played her love interest in the film who seemed to know nothing about her “secretive revengeful” nighttime lifestyle.
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 And that brings me to her second personality which is the “superhero” aka protective Cass – the girl who goes out at night to see if she can find a real gentleman who would not take advantage of a drunk girl in such a weakened state.
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She wanted to find out if a REAL sincere guy like that existed. Could he even exist? Where is he? Do they make men like that anymore? Is chivalry dead?
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Dr. Alexander Monroe was the trigger for Cassandra. He was the key for her to get her “sanity” back. All she wanted was for him to confess! Al is the key! 
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He was the main focal point! He was all she was ever after once Dr. Ryan re-introduced him into her life once Dr. Ryan came into the coffee shop and saw her again after all the years had passed when she dropped out of Medical School due to the tragic event that led her to her “odd and unusual behavior.”
Promising Young Woman Bo Burnham


 These are all questions that I could hear Cassandra asking herself throughout the film as I was watching her say certain things and act a certain way. She was not losing grips with reality; but at the same time – she was not all there because of what had happened in her past with her best friend, Nina. 
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It is not truly 100% revealed what happened to Nina, but you can piece it together as you watch the film and the ending to the movie matches Cassie and the title and what she is……which is a very smart PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN & I PROMISE you that and YOU will say the same thing too once you see how she ends the movie! Revenge is tasty and sweet!
I – Madison
11 – Walker
111 – Jordan
IV – The Bachelor Party



“FATALE” Is Whew…..NO WORDS!!! I Can’t Slice It Into Thirds – I’m Literally At A Loss For Words….

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Dec• 18•20
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Travis’ Grade Of: [A+] Fatale

Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? TWO WORDS, ACTUALLY: HELL AND “TO THE YEEEAAH”!


My Critique On “Fatale” is this- I am literally shaking right now as I am typing because this here review simply because this is NOT what I was expecting or even anticipating it to even be….I am like…..just….whew!!!! Blown the hell away!!!
…….Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! What happens in Vegas…does it REALLY stay there???
Film Synopsis: Derrick, (played by Micheal Ealy) a very successful sports agent, watches his perfect life slowly disappear as he becomes more and more entangled in a police investigation led by a discredited, disgraced, and very much determined Detective Valerie Quinlan (played by Hilary Swank) with whom he recently had an affair with.
Classification of Film: Thriller & Drama
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…….I have other words to describe about TWO things concerning this: (1) being Detective Val Quinlan and (2) the name of the film. Let’s get going. What I am about to say can apply to both numbers one and two! 
Fatale 2021 Movie Actress Hilary Swank


Both words can describe the Detective and the movie – and here they are: TOXIC, LETHAL, EXPLOSIVE, FEARLESS, DANGEROUS, PSYCHOTIC, AND DERANGED. What do ALL not some of these words have in common? 


They are very much similar to the name of the movie- “Fatale“, and when you watch this movie (and after you keep reading my review I would have “enticed” you to see this movie – no doubt in my mind about that) you will see that Detective Val Quinlan is ALL of those SEVEN words that I have listed above and the eighth one is the name of the film – FATALE! 


It fits like a glove! This film took me on one hell of a ride and I wanna go right back on it again! This was a DAMN DAMN DAMN fierce film! It HAS seduction; it HAS suspense; it HAS manipulations; it HAS everything that you would want to keep you not only on the edge of your seat; but to keep you biting your nails, & wonder what this crazy chick is up to next! 


What is Derrick going to do? You keep asking yourself question after question after question while watching the movie and you, in turn, are becoming a detective yourself trying to put the pieces together! This is a mystery! 


This IS a thriller! I MUST, right now give Actress Hilary Swank a standing ovation for her performance in the movie because she exceeded any and all expectations that were placed on her for this role! 


She literally deserves an Oscar or some sort of nomination. Direction Deon Taylor really cast the ideal and perfect female lead for the film by choosing her. Swank’s villainous looks and her facial expressions ARE killer and dead on. She was consistent and fierce throughout! 


There was a twist with two of the characters in the film that I actually did figure out so props goes to me. Lol! Will you figure it out??? When I did figure it out, my mouth dropped so wide to the floor like I was like saying to myself, “no freaking way!” I am so glad that the film hit theaters and just in time for Christmas!!! 


I will be seeing it again and again and as much as I can because I will support Director Deon Taylor and all of his films and since I am am AMC A-List Member I can see it and other films as many times as I WISH while they are in theaters and this is one of them! 
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Just look at what ONE night, and they were not even drunk. If they were, it was shown off camera can wreck a person’s life and turned upside down can do? Derrick went to Vegas to play and he got caught up in a game that he could not get out of.


 Again, you do NOT want to miss out on seeing this film. It will take you on so many wild rides; so many wild twists and turns that you will wanna go back in reverse and just re-live the chaos all over again!
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 Trust me! Intrigued???

“MONSTER HUNTER” Was NO Joke….He Was Everyone’s Only Hope

Written By: Travis Movie Reviews - Dec• 18•20
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Travis Grade: [B-] Monster Hunter




My Critique On “Monster Hunter” is this – it’s a movie that is action-packed; no doubt about that……



Film Synopsis: An elite military force team, (played by Meagan Good, Diego Bonata, Josh Helman, T.I. Harris, and Jin Au-Yeung) led by US Army Ranger Captain Natalie Artemis (played by Milla Jovovich), fall through a portal into a world populated by giant monsters. They meet a hunter (played by Tony Jaa) who helps them try to survive in the world and right against the monsters as they seek a way back home.
Classification of Film: Action, Fantasy, & Adventure
Monster Hunter

……but there are also movies that can have the “main” element or component of a specific genre and still not be a great Box Office Success and this is one of those films. 

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I feel that the film had all the movements and action simply to keep the audience/s well-entertained and alert. Keeping it candid with you, the film did not suck, but it was only about two characters and that is The Hunter and the Captain. 


As soon as the film comes on, I asked myself that question that I DETEST so very much and that is this: “Why are they showing the ending to the film first?” That is my biggest pet peeve in the film industry when end of the film first and then work their way backwards? What do they get out of that? What is their reasoning or purpose behind that? Do you know? Be cause I have no clue! 


All I kept seeing was the Resident Evil movies when I saw Jovovich in this film because I felt like I was watching that with a mixture of Godzilla or something. Don’t get me wrong. The movie was good – but it was not great. 
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When the Hunter and Captain Artemis finally did meet up and he discovered his love for what “chocolate” was and hey began bonding and working together to get her and the rest of her team back home, that is when the comedy started to fall into place within the film. 
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That was funny to me. It is always funny to me when someone who doesn’t know something about another world finally discovers something about and is intrigued and the way that they react over it is just hysterical. Lol! 
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In conclusion, I will not bash the film like I am seeing other reviews doing because I do not think that it deserves bashing. I feel that it was good, but could have been better and the holes that were not explained should have been explained (not giving spoilers here, but speaking in code here in case YOU do decide to watch the film).
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