“Imaginary” …Naughty Bear Beware …Say Your Prayer!

Picsart 24 11 12 18 28 36 371 min

Film Synopsis of “Imaginary” → A woman returns (DeWanda Wise) to her childhood home to discover that the imaginary friend she left behind is real & unhappy that she abandoned him!


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Chauncey Vs. Imaginary Creatures

habitacion secreta 1048 5335 2 minIs it really out of the realm of possibility to think that all children will quite possibly have an imaginary friend during their childhood? Is this just a fad – or is it just a fact? In this movie, you can see the effect that having a “pretend” friend that only a child can see and no one else (even though it pretends and is real for the actual child) can see and bond with can have on anyone’s psyche including that of the parents. This is a horror film so of course we will witness things in the film that do not make sense and are out of the norm like Chauncey for instance and how that bear preyed on Alice’s affections! It illustrated how much The bear is like human beings in the way that Chauncey preyed on her vulnerabilities and weaknesses and that is what evil beings do: take advantage of the good and try to exploit them for their cruel intentions.



What EXACTLY Did We Watch or See?

habitacion secreta 1048 5335 1 minThat’s a question that I am afraid only you can answer for yourselves. I can tell you from my very candid opinion what I saw: what I saw was nothing scary at all one bit. I was very disappointed at what I saw to be brutally honest with you. I was looking forward to the movie and to be let down the way that I was … quite a shock to my system because I thought that the film was going to be something that I had never seen before with a plot that was out of this world scary with a title such as – Imaginary. You may like the film; on the other hand, I did enjoy certain parts of the movie whereas the entire movie as a whole was very mediocre to me and there was even one point in the film where it seemed funny to me and not even a horror film!



Something That Hurts!!!

habitacion secreta 1048 5335 3 minWhat kind of a friend would ever ask you to do something that would hurt you? When Alice’s Scavenger Hunt list was discovered by Jessica, it triggered a spark in her that brought her back to face some of her deepest fears and then we as the audience got a shock ourselves about dear old Chauncey the Bear! Something just did not seem right to me when I saw that list that Alice was keeping when Chauncey was asking her to start off collecting and doing “good” things and then all of a sudden that list turned into “bad & devious” acts/behaviors. Pain. Hurt. Anguish. What precisely is it about pain that gives someone satisfaction seeing these things? What does a person get out of seeing another human being suffering? How does that make them feel good?



Trav’s “Teddy Bear” Closing Conclusions …

habitacion secreta 1048 5335 minAs I have stated previously, the movie began very strong, but then it just went downhill very rapidly. It was not @ all what I had expected and overall, I did not like the film. Certain parts were manageable to watch while others were just plain dumb and stupid to me. I would not classify this as an authentic scary or horror film. Not in my candid opinion. Truth be told, I kept thinking about that bear in the film, Ted with Mark Wahlberg every time that I saw Chauncey! LOL!

2 Thoughts to ““Imaginary” …Naughty Bear Beware …Say Your Prayer!”

  1. Josh Carpenter

    Well that’s a bummer; so it’s a Saturday afternoon on the couch kind of movie! 🙂

    1. Actually, it’s a any day that ends in “y” kind of a movie to be brutally honest! Therefore, you DO have options!!! LOL

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