Film Synopsis of “Asphalt City” → Ollie Cross is (Tye Sheridan) a young paramedic assigned to the NYC night shift with an uncompromising and seasoned partner Gene Rutkovsky. Each 911 call is often dangerous and uncertain, putting their lives on the line daily to help others.
What Is An “Asphalt City” Individual?
When considering the term “asphalt,” certain attributes promptly emerge. Words such as “solid surface,” “concrete,” “resilient,” and “rugged” come to mind. These characteristics not only describe the neighborhood where paramedics Cross and Rutkovsky operated in but also aptly depict their personalities as well. It is as if they were destined to work in “Asphalt City,” a place that perfectly aligns with their lifestyles. Being a person to be referred to as “rough around the edges” is not a characteristic that I would want to be known for. Personally speaking, would you?
The Self-Contentious Paramedic Ollie Cross
Oliver Cross, a conscientious paramedic, entered the field with noble intentions: to aid individuals, make a positive impact, and save lives. While on his journey of self-discovery, seeking his true identity, he encountered challenges and precarious situations, influenced by his partner’s questionable behavior. As the narrative unfolds, we witness Oliver’s transformation from a reserved young man into a self-assured individual capable of asserting himself among his paramedic colleagues. His adherence to rules and pursuit of perfectionism drew teasing from his teammates, who perceived him as inexperienced and unrealistic. This affected his mental state, triggering a series of unexpected events that deviated from his expected character.
Ruthless Paramedic Gene Rutkovsky
In my experience, it is not uncommon for seasoned employees to encounter challenges when training new hires who strictly adhere to procedures. While it is essential to follow guidelines, there are often situations where some flexibility is required. In the case of Gene Rutkovsky, his intentions were well-meaning, but his actions had unintended consequences. His disregard for rules and regulations earned him the nickname “Asphalt City,” reflecting his rough and unfiltered nature. Gene had a family …he had the life …but what do you think decimated all that up for him? Choices. The choices that he made. In life, almost every can be guilty of reacting BEFORE thinking. We are all human beings, and we are all guilty of that.
Travis Emergency Conclusions
The symbolic significance of Asphalt City is a central theme in the work. As I have previously stated in my review, the choices that we make will inevitably have consequences, and we cannot escape them at all; not one little bit. NO concealing. Our past experiences shape our present selves, while our present actions determine our future aspirations. It is essential to avoid becoming hardened and guarded like asphalt. Instead, we should ALL strive to live righteously and ethically, as this will ultimately lead to more positive outcomes!
Interesting! Never even heard of this movie! But, with Sean Penn in it – it can’t be bad, huh? Great review, as always Trav!
Thanks, Joshua! I can always count you to say my reviews are just like you – GREAT!!!