Film Synopsis: In The Heights is all about the scent of a cafecito hangs in the air just outside of the 181st Street subway stop. The likeable, magnetic bodega owner Usnavi de la Vega (played by Anthony Ramos) saves every penny from his daily grind as he hopes, imagines, & sings about a better life! How magical and inspirational does this sound to you? I kow it sounds wonderful to me….
It was more than just a block NOT only to Usnavi – but to me as well because I could as though I was a part of it: it IS and NOT was a family! When he said that the streets were made of music, he was not kidding. My absolute all time favorite scene of the film was the pool scene!
I loved that clip in the trailer for the film and as soon as I heard the music, I was dancing in my seat right along with them! There is just something about the music that makes you want to get up out of your seat and M-O-V-E! I loved the cinematography, the music, the action, the love, the life, the laughter, the hard struggles, the tough decisions, the story. Oh, the heights, the heights! The heights! The heights! The heights! The heights! The heights!
I loved it all. This is exactly what Director Jon Chu wanted US to experience and see after the year that we have had due to COVID19 that we can come back more alive and vibrant than ever and press forward and that is exactly what “the family” in Washington Heights did.
Every character had their on unique and individual struggles that they were coping with that they best could & they all prevailed in the end and that is the moral of the story as you can see -“in the heights”

aka to me meaning, they all stood tall and proud and did not let anything tear them down. I was getting up and dancing in the theater while watching the movie! In The Heights is the place to be! Like Usnavi said – let’s go! What are we waiting for?
They did not allow anything to deter them no matter what obstacles stood in their way just like COVID-19 trying to stand in our way taking away our normalcy for a while even if it is like what some of the crew members said before the film began taking away our great escape and that is coming to the movie theaters.

To see this movie and to be able to experience it on the big motion picture screen is amazing and I would not trade this event for anything else in this world!
I love and totally appreciate when crew members, actors, producers, and Directors thank US for coming out to the movies and seeing the work that they do for us! That I admire, love, and respect so very much! That pricks at my heart just as this film does so I implore you to see this film whether it is at home or in theaters! I shed a few tears while watching the film.
I always did get excited when the trailer was shown when I went to the movies to watch another movie – my heart would jump for joy! Now that this day has finally arrived, I will see this movie over and over again in the theaters!
I cannot wait to own it on 4K! Lastly, I just have to say this – those 3 ladies who work in the Salon are hilarious as can be and ONE out of the three stands out! Can you guess who it will be? Also, when the story is told on how Usnavi gets his name – you will die laughing! Enjoy the block!

“You CANNOT stop watching & wanting for more in this block!” #TonightWithTrav

YOU should ALWAYS read my reviews FIRST, Meka! I have taught you that already! Shame on you for not knowing that!