Film Synopsis of “Immaculate” → Cecilia, (Sydney Sweeney) a woman of devout faith, is warmly welcomed to the picture-perfect Italian countryside where she is offered a new role at an illustrious convent. But it soon becomes clear to her that her new home harbors dark and horrifying secrets!
Immaculate Was Not Immaculate
I must admit that I did not have very huge expectations going into where this movie is concerned to be brutally honest with you. It is just something that I have when small time Distribution Companies such as NEON who distributed this film debut a film – it never really is good and it has very low picture quality & the weak density of the cinematography throws me off and it is very hard for me to keep up in watching the film and that is exactly what happened while watching this one. Although Sweeny gave an IMMACULATE performance in her solo role, the entire film as a whole was not good at all; it puts you to bed!
It’s A Bad Dream! Leave!!
The movie had an awesome and killer synopsis as does so many other films – the problem is .. they never follow through & stay up to par and achieve the success that they deserve. Why is that? I have no idea. The actors are great, the acting is great, but the movie as a whole is not. Must be the writing? Sister Cecilia is a virgin who never had sex and took a vow of chastity and one day she discovers that she is pregnant. Anyone who heard or witnessed this would think that this is a miracle, surreal, and a slew of other feelings/emotions. But, for this Sister was oh so much more than that ….
Creating A Savior
Deception takes place in many ways, shapes, and forms, but I will say this – I never in my wildest dreams imagined that it would take place the way that it did in this movie. I was not expecting what I saw in the film. It was like something chaotic and like everyone was brainwashed. The images that were shown on the screen were gory, but I could take them; others might not be able to. To each is their own, right? When and if you can figure out in time why Sister Cecilia got pregnant, it will blow your mind. I know that it did blow my mind and it blew it wide open!
Blood-bathing Gone Wild!
There were so many bloody parts in the movie that I cannot even talk about them because they were brutal to see. Not in the sense that they were gory at all; just the fact that they were painful to my heart simply because Sister Cecilia did not have to endure those types of injuries and brutal attacks that she had to endure thanks to all of the people at the covenant that she thought she could trust and depend on. The stabbings and cuts to not only Sister Cecilia were quite vicious and were very …whew, I don’t even have a word to describe them!
Judge At Your Discretion
I’ve given you all of my viewpoints on the film from my perspective as I do on all my reviews. I will just leave this up to you to decide if you want to watch this movie or not. It’s totally up to you; from what you have read based on my review – I think that it is pretty obvious how I feel about it. If you are a Sydney Sweeny fan like I am and want to watch the film to support her – that is 1,000% fine. Like I said and always will say, everyone has their free agency and I wrote MY reviews, based on MY opinions. No one has to agree with me.