Film Synopsis: The Forever Purge… All the rules are broken as a sect of lawless marauders decides that the annual Purge does NOT stop at daybreak – and instead should NEVER end! This is a first – what are your thoughts on 24 hour killing? Killing, forever???
The Forever Purge was like watching the very first Purge movie with Ethan Hawke and Lena Headley. I felt like this was the original film simply because there was no big main actors in the film besides Actor Josh Lucas. That was the only thing that I could not get over – or past while watching the film. It felt as if I was watching “The Mexican Purge.” It just felt different, off, and out of place for me.
The only things that were similar in the film was that siren announcing the commencement of the annual Purge and the brutal killings. That was about it. The killings seems to be more brutal in this film than in the others. That I noticed right away. And to have a movie that had a theme like the “forever purge” that continues on and on and never ends – that is scary in itself more than having an annual Purge just once a year. What do you think about that? If you HAD to choose – I mean 100% absolutely had to choose between having an ANNUAL Purge once a year or – to have a forever purge – which would you choose? Which one?
Do you ever stop and really visualize life with having this exist for real? Do you think the world would be a better place with this in place? Why do you enjoy these movies so much? Does a piece of you want to Purge? Do you go for the killings? Do you love blood and gore? Do you go for the killings and the blood and horror? Why do you go? Do you ever stop to ask yourselves that question? Why do you think they keep making these Purge films and TV Shows? It must be for a reason –
Maybe to show how bad off society is with the killings and that they are never stopping and getting worse – hence – the forever Purge, huh? I am not trying to scare you with my rating, but I always like to place a little reality and emphasis in ALL of my ratings in the films that I see and try to relay a message to you. Moving back to the actual film itself, it was a brilliant idea, I feel to have a pregnant woman in the movie, that was never done before in any of the motion picture films to have a woman in extreme emotional duress trying to protect herself and her unborn child.
I have to give an applause for writing that idea into the script! Kudos! The cast all did a great job – I just wish that I had heard of most of them like I said besides Josh Lucas. When I had heard about this film, I was like, The Forever Purge? Another Purge film. I thought the last one was the last one? Lol! My reason that I like these films is because it shows the strength and will power of the people who decide NOT to purge and protect themselves on that one very dangerous and vicious night.
When you think about it. That is what it is all about – sure they may have to kill to protect themselves, but they are NOT going out and Purging like the millions of other Americans to Purge just to Purge without a purpose! That’s the point! America the Great!

“I felt that it was great…but had the potential to be greater, with a GREATER cast!” #TonightWithTrav
Yay!! I was hoping this one world be different…I loved the first one and ejection day… Then went down hill. Esp the tv show!!! That siren will always send chills!!! I HAVE to see this in the theatre! 😂. Thanks Travis!!!
Yep, this one was very different in the ways that it was very similar to the first one. Downhill is an understatement, Amy. I thought that they should have stopped with the 4th film, the First Purge – now this one….what will the next one be I wonder???