What’s “The Color Purple” About?
A musical adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel about the life-long struggles of an African American woman, Celie (Fantasia Barrino) living in the South during the early 1900s.
The Color Purple … IS … Resiliency!
Any individual who watches this musical adaptation of the original film can appreciate that ANYONE in this cold, tough, cruel world can be resilient if they choose so to be and that’s what everyone told and asked of Celie: Shug, her sister, Nettie, Sofia, etc. They asked her to fight and stand up to Mister and for herself. That is what being resilient is – the capacity to recover from difficult situations quickly; toughness. We all know Celie’s life was not easy once her sister and her separated. But, that never broke their bond! Standing up for ourselves is something that we as a people have come to see as a bad or violent thing, but it isn’t. It’s how we go about it to get our message across that we want and need to be heard as an equal, also. Respect is not easily given, but is earned over time, but it never was given to Celie by Mister. That was the devastating part about it and what she endured with him created her weakness not to fight back for herself.
A Much Deeper Meaning of The Color Purple
Do you know why the book was titled, “The Color Purple?” What is your interpretation of it and the movie? Here’s mine: purple is a color that symbolizes royalty, power, and spirituality. In the movie, it represents all of the human emotions in the spectrum that we can feel these characters, as individuals can feel from sadness, grief, loss, and devastation, to finally joy and happiness. The Bible has countless scriptures about long-suffering. Why do you think Celie suffered so many years with Mister? Do you feel God sent Shug Avery to her as her salvation? See. There is always a divine plan and a reason for everything even if it does not make sense to us; I firmly believe that there is one, for sure!
“Spicy” Shug Avery Brightens The Color Purple
Taraji P. Henson played her role as Shug! I have got to hand it to my girl! I was counting down the seconds …not minutes until she came on screen! Taraji is a talented actress – I don’t think that they could have found anyone better to portray this part if they tried! It just breaks my heart that she is NOT getting the pay that she and so many African American actresses are worth despite all the nominations & recognition they receive. It’s just unfair and like I said it breaks my heart to the core. To give your all and not to get a fraction of that reciprocated back is heartbreaking; just downright heartbreaking!
Sassy Sofia
Danielle Brooks playing Oprah’s part …I felt she did a dynamite job especially her musical number of “Hell No!” I even found myself singing aloud with them! Hell yup! YUP! YUP! When some of the iconic parts with her came up Oprah did, everyone in the audience was screaming and applauding, this is such an iconic ORIGNAL film, The Color Purple that I know all the lines and I was waiting for them, but when they never came, I was a bit disappointed, but I felt Brooks could have placed a lot more “tough” emphasis on some of the classic Oprah lines that we were all waiting for!
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