Film Synopsis: Supernova. Sam (played by Colin Firth) and Tusker (played by Stanley Tucci) are traveling across England in their old RV to visit friends, family, and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with dementia 2 years prior, their time together is very special, cherished, and is the most important thing that they have together…..will they make the most of it? GRADE: [C+] Getting into this movie, Supernova – I can see how “astronomy” can be irrevocably attached to this film. To make a long story – well review, short; in my eyes,…
Read More“THE MARKSMAN” – Better Beware
Film Synopsis: The Marksman. Arizona rancher, Jim Hanson (played by Liam Neeson) is trying to make a living on an isolated stretch of borderland. All he wants is to simply be left alone as he fends off eviction notices. But everything changes when he witnesses and 11-year old (played by Jacob Perez) fleeing with his mother, Rosa (played by Teresa Ruiz) from drug cartel assassins led by the ruthless Mauricio (played by Juan Pablo Raba). What will happen to the kid and Jim- The Marksman… GRADE: [A+] Starting 2021…
Read More“WONDER WOMAN 1984” Is A Great 2020 Christmas Gift That Uplifts!
Travis Grade Of: [A-] Wonder Woman 1984 Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? VERY OBVIOUS & THAT IS MY FINAL ANSWER! NO EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER, FOLKS! THE MOVIE IS NOT AS “EXPLOSIVE” AS YOU’D THINK, BUT IT IS STILL DYNAMITE AND GAL GADOT SOARS AS DIANA PRINCE – AS USUAL! My Critique On “WW84” is this – I have been waiting eagerly for this BIG……EXPLOSIVE……..HUGE……..PHENOMENAL BLOWOUT of a film, but what I saw was…….. Film Synopsis: In 1984, Diana Prince (played by Gal Gadot) comes into…
Read More“PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN” Is A Promising Masterpiece That Is Quite The Showpiece!
Travis’ Grade Of: [A-] Promising Young Woman Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? IF YOU LOVE A GOOD MYSTERY WITH A LOT OF….SHALL I SAY ODD TWISTS & TURNS – YES! IT WILL KEEP YOUR ATTENTION – THAT IS FOR SURE! A DEFINITE PROMISE!!! My Critique On “Promising Young Woman” is this – it takes you on one wild ride, thanks to Cassandra……. Film Synopsis: A young woman, Cassandra, (played by Carey Mulligan) traumatized by a tragic event in her past, seeks…
Read More“FATALE” Is Whew…..NO WORDS!!! I Can’t Slice It Into Thirds – I’m Literally At A Loss For Words….
Travis’ Grade Of: [A+] Fatale Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? TWO WORDS, ACTUALLY: HELL AND “TO THE YEEEAAH”! My Critique On “Fatale” is this- I am literally shaking right now as I am typing because this here review simply because this is NOT what I was expecting or even anticipating it to even be….I am like…..just….whew!!!! Blown the hell away!!! …….Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! Baby!! What happens in Vegas…does it REALLY stay there??? Film Synopsis: Derrick, (played by Micheal Ealy) a very successful sports agent,…
Read More“MONSTER HUNTER” Was NO Joke….He Was Everyone’s Only Hope
Travis Grade: [B-] Monster Hunter Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? SURE, WHY NOT?!?! IT’S ENTERTAINING….IF….AND ONLY IF YOU SEE IT IN EITHER 3D AND/OR IMAX OR DOLBY. IF YOU SEE IT JUST REGULAR, YOU MAY NOT GET THE FULL EFFECT OR DRIFT ASLEEP…. My Critique On “Monster Hunter” is this – it’s a movie that is action-packed; no doubt about that…… Film Synopsis: An elite military force team, (played by Meagan Good, Diego Bonata, Josh Helman, T.I. Harris, and Jin Au-Yeung) led by…
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