“Lisa Frankenstein” …From Awesome Digging …to Luxury Living, Licking, & Kissing!

Picsart 24 11 12 09 41 52 452 min

Film Synopsis of “Lisa Frankenstein” → A coming-of-Rage story love story about a teenager (Kathryn Newton) and her crush (Cole Sprouse), who happens to be a corpse! After a set of horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a journey to find love, happiness – and a few missing …shall I say it? Yes, body parts!!!


Picsart 23 12 23 23 03 40 059 min


Lisa Frankenstein Searches for Love …But Does It Come from Up Above?

Lisa FrankensteinLisa Frankenstein was very odd – that is obvious because of how she dressed and behaved overall. It’s no wonder she was not very idolized or befriended at school or had a top-rated school or social life. She was a loner, and with her mother dying and her father remarrying a woman who could not stand her – what did she have except herself and an empty cemetery of dead bodies to converse with all the time? Combine those two, and what do you have? Frankenstein indeed. The story of Victor Frankenstein is about a Swiss student of the Natural Sciences who creates an artificial man from pieces of corpses in a cemetery, and the way that the corpse came to be alive in the film is the exact opposite. The best and strong love comes from up above, but for Lisa – hers came from 6 feet under. Do you think that it is possible to love someone that deeply who is beneath the earth, but not deceased, but can also have the power and willingness to change if the love and support are there …waiting for them?


Taffy & Lisa Frankenstein

old cemetery night realistic vector with sloping gravestones covered thick fog darkness illust 33099 1051 1 minWe find that Taffy is Lisa Frankenstein’s sister by her father marrying her mother, and she loves Lisa and tries to be a positive role model for her and live for her up because she knows that she is struggling with life, and most importantly loves. Taffy is more of the “wild child” and does not affect Lisa at all whatsoever, but once The Creature enters Lisa’s life, he begins to show her what REAL love and care feel and looks like even without talking. Sure, the way that the actor who portrays this role does it in very comical ways is still very romantic and considerate, and that is all that Lisa honestly really years for. She begins to let loose, transform, and become looser and more vibrant thanks to The Creature whom she fell in love with while visiting and cleaning his particular grave at the Cemetery. 


Intuitive Persona/s

old cemetery night realistic vector with sloping gravestones covered thick fog darkness illust 33099 1051 minTaffy and her mother always went around saying that they were IP’s (intuitive people). But, I think that we all know who the MOST intuitive person was in the entire movie, don’t we? Of course, we do, it was the corpse! Believe it or not, even though he could not utter a single word – it was very symbolic because I know that we have all heard the expression before that “actions speak volumes or louder than words.” And when people show us how much they love and adore us – how do they do that? YES! Exactly. They do it through their actions! That is what The Creature did with Lisa Frankenstein. He showed her through all of his actions how much he meant to her. Isn’t that what love being ALL about?


Lisa Frankenstein Conclusions

old cemetery night realistic vector with sloping gravestones covered thick fog darkness illust 33099 1051 3 minI don’t consider this particular film to be a horror/scary film type of movie. Although the name Frankenstein may bring images of creatures, labs, corpses, body parts, etc. to mind, the killing scenes in the movie are rather humorous. I would say that this film is a comedy overall. Although it was mildly entertaining and held my attention, it could have been better. It’s quite weak, and I would recommend renting it from a red box. However, if you choose to see it in theaters, that’s okay too. Everyone has their own free will. Good luck!

16 Thoughts to ““Lisa Frankenstein” …From Awesome Digging …to Luxury Living, Licking, & Kissing!”

  1. Gregory

    This seems to be almost like a Halmark love story kind of. I liked how you touched upon the girl struggling with herself. She seemed so desperate for love, that she never began to love herself for who she was. Yes, she was different but being different isn’t all that bad.

    1. That is SO true – being different is NOT always a terrible thing! Love yourself. The rest will follow.

  2. Amy

    I think everyone kind of feels the way you have written your review. Gotta love yourself…. Not in a conceited way; but a proper love for oneself… Actions are so much more than muttered words. I’m gonna wait till it’s streaming though. I heard it’s a bit uncomfortable in some scenes!!

    1. Yes – are you talking about sewing on a pee pee, perhaps? Lol! NOTHING in that movie is comfortable! It’s gory, but NOT your typical type of gore that you’s see in a brutal horror film whereas this is a comedy and NOT even horror!

  3. Amy

    LOL. Really!? I love gore!! I really wanna see it!!!

    P.S. I got you as spam. You’ve never went in there before. Very odd …But I got ya!!

    1. I often get confused with your movie genres, Amy. I try to understand your movie preferences, but just when I think I’ve figured it out, I get it wrong. It’s quite amusing! Do you enjoy watching gory and scary films? I thought you didn’t. Also, I’ve noticed that some people receive my comments in their Spam Folders, while others find them in their Inboxes. I can’t seem to figure out why that happens!

  4. Josh Carpenter

    Aren’t we all just the creature seeking love and sometimes just not having the words to say how we feel? I’m looking foward to seeing this one but alas it will be in the comfort of my coach with a blanket and the furkids:)

  5. Amy

    I LIVE for good horror movies!! I fall asleep to the best of ’em! LOL! There’s only a few I CANNOT watch! But, slasher, gore, & jump scenes …LOVE THEM!!

    1. You are SO backwards & cray cray! Horror movies have everything in them that you literally just wrote! You be testing my brain cells with some of your comments! Lol

  6. Amy

    Lol. I meant very few I cannot watch, but any others: gore, slasher, chaos, jump scenes = my LEVEL of scary. I totally will fall asleep to “The Hills Have Eyes” & “Texas Chainsaw” (all of ’em). Does not bother me . .. Puppets though HELL no! Other things, too, I won’t get into! LOLOLOL. I’m thinking my ability to convey full thoughts had to do with the 5 yr old living in my house full time!🤣

    1. So, I take it movies like Child’s Play and Dead Silence are not your cup of tea movies since they are puppets and of course Annabelle? All doll films. Am I understanding or beginning to at least? LOLOL! Why in the hell would you put on a horror film to fall asleep to, though? That is just plain coo – coo! I’d never fall asleep, but if it does not bother you like you said, then what is the harm, right? I mean you know you best!

  7. Amy

    Lol! I’m a weirdo, yeah. Those movies are a no-no. I had nightmares as a kid. But slasher stuff not a bother 🤣🤣 I thought of you last night while watching Thanksgiving! LOL! I’m still in shock that it was decent!! Nice special, gory effects…LOL

    1. Yes in deed. Thinking of me while watching Thanksgiving is a most definite plus. That is for sure! Thank you for that! Much appreciated!

  8. Jerry Jr.

    Just a wild story, falling in love with a corpse, but you have to be in that mind frame I guess! LOL. She showed love by taking care of his gravesite; in turn, he showed her how appreciative he was that she took that time to take care of it. In the end, love has no boundaries, when you’re in, you’re in. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself! When you’re in – you’re what? IN! YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!

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