“Joy Ride”: Is Epic …but NOTHING They Do Is …Generic!!!

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What’s “Joy Ride” About?

Joy Ride

Four Asian-American friends (Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Sabrina Wu, & Stephanie Hsu) bond and discover the truth of what it means to know and love who you are – while they travel through Asia in search of one of their birth mothers!


Joy Ride Takes YOU On a WILD X-Ride!!!

Joy RideThese 4 young ladies don’t just go on a little joy ride abroad …they go on one hell of an adventurous joy ride! Watching this movie was like watching the 2017 film, Girls Trip with Queen Latifah, Tiffany Haddish, Regina Hall, & Jada Pinkett-Smith. The only difference is with this film …these 4 girls were all Asian and not African American like in Girls Trip – and the 4 girls in this movie were NOT traveling on a girl’s trip for fun, but boy oh boy were these damn Asian girls raunchy, dirty, vile, corrupt, nasty, filthy, sexually vile, and yes indeed- they were a trip and definitely ….UNFORGETTABLE!!!


Family First …then Friends Come Second?

Poster Funia20 05 18 02 07 2023 minThese four friends did not grow up together. Only Audrey & Lolo did – but that is just the thing. When two people grow up together that are not biologically related – that makes them family in each other’s eyes, doesn’t it? Technically, it does not matter who gave birth to them. As long as loving people adopt and nurture them …that is all that matters. Audrey was adopted and always wondered in the back of her mind who her biological mother was and talked about it with Lolo, her sister in her heart because they grew up together. But, with time, the closest family or friends can drift away and distance is perhaps needed. Does that mean the love is not still present?


Supporting In Troubling Times…

Poster Funia20 07 33 02 07 2023 minWhen Audrey made several failed attempts to find her mother – and destroyed her friendship with Lolo, Deadeye, & Kat, she had nothing …and nowhere to turn @ all. That is the issue in the world today. When we are backed into a corner and alienate our family and/or friends out of anger or frustrations, that is when we say and react based on emotions and it is sometimes tricky because the things that we say might truly be how we have been feeling deep, deep inside, but have kept it hidden deep inside of our hearts, minds, and mouths out of respect for the other person and when we get upset, we just react and let that repression out that has built up in us about them rather than finding positive and constructive ways to deliver it to them. If we have heard this once, I know we have heard it a million times: “Communication is the key to ANY successful relationship.”


Taking YOU For A Spin with Joy Ride

Poster Funia20 07 07 02 07 2023 minThese young & very vibrant young ladies do you on quite the laughing adventure! While watching this movie, you will laugh your tail off – literally! I promise you that if nothing else! This movie provides humor …humor… and more humor! This is a ride – a joyful ride! Joy was brought into all of these girls’ lives as you will see if you watch the film.



Trav’s Warning! LOL

TPoster Funia20 06 05 02 07 2023 minhere are raunchy parts throughout the film and they will make you want to spit your drink out of your mouth they are so damn funny! But, there is a SENTIMENTAL SCENE in the film, Joy Ride amidst all the humor! A little seriousness is warranted in every film genre, I deeply feel and this particular emotional moment makes an impact because it deals with family – the family of friends; the families of Audrey (both adoptive and biological), and how they come together to support her. How can you not say that is not sentimental?

4 Thoughts to ““Joy Ride”: Is Epic …but NOTHING They Do Is …Generic!!!”

  1. Amy

    I want to see this!!!!! Looks funny as hell! Thanks for what you do Trav!!

    1. @Amy – oh YES in deed…U don’t even know what will come or fly off or come out of who, what, when, or where, or even how when you jump on this Joy Ride!

  2. Josh Carpenter

    A great comedy movie has great heart for comedy and tragedy are a fine line. This does look cute af and definitely will watch it when he hits streaming:) Thanks Dr. Trav

    1. @Josh – yes, I concur. You need a little seriousness in all films. It keeps the balance in tact I feel!

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