Film Synopsis: Black Widow. Following the events of Captain America: Civil War (2016 film), Natasha Romanoff (played by Scarlett Johansson) finds herself alone and forced to confront a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Romanoff must deal and confront with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she ever became an Avenger…. GRADE: [A+] This black widow was one SERIOUS beast! I loved seeing her fight! She was fierce!…
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“FAST 9” – is a Gripping Ride…
Film Synopsis – Fast 9. After the events of the Fate and the Furious (Fast 8 film), Dominic Toretto (played by Vin Diesel) and his family must face Dom’s younger brother, Jakob (played by John Cena), a deadly assassin, who is working with their old enemy, Cipher (played by Charlize Theron), and who holds a personal vendetta against Dom – what do you think will happen here? GRADE: [A+] This was one hell of a ride! I was packed with the non-stop adrenaline while watching the movie. I…
Read More“THE HITMAN’S WIFE’S BODYGUARD” Is Bloody Good Fun in 2021
Film Synopsis: Four years after the events of the original film, bodyguard Michael Bryce (played by Ryan Reynolds) continues his friendship with assassin Darius Kincaid (played by Samuel L. Jackson) as they embark on a new adventure to save Sonia Kincaid, (played by Salma Hayek) Darius’ wife, from new threats! Are you ready 4 another wild and intense ride with these 3??? GRADE: [A+] Again, the movie may have been about Michael Bryce – but Selma Hayek ‘aka’ Sonia took this movie on home! She was a hoot…..a riot…..a…
Read More“WRATH OF MAN” Has A 100% Master Plan
Film Synopsis: Wrath of Man. The plot follows H (played by Jason Statham), a cold and very mysterious character working @ a cash truck company responsible for moving hundreds of millions of dollars around Los Angels each week! What could go wrong with this, right….. GRADE: [A+] Impeccable action! I must say that first and foremost. I rated the movie a “B” overall because the beginning was slow and I was expecting the movie to suck like the last movie I saw from this Director which was The Gentleman, but…
Read More“GODZILLA Vs. KONG” – The Gigantic Shakedown
Film Synopsis: Godzilla And Kong. The epic Chapter in the cinematic Monsterverse pits TWO of the GREATEST icons in motion picture history against one another – the FEARSOME Godzilla and the MIGHTY King Kong – with humanity caught in the balance. Who are you betting on? Is it even a bet, realistically? They say that ONE will fall – do you believe that? Can one of these two colossal creatures fall and never be seen or heard of ever again? Can that truly be possible? GRADE: [A+] Godzilla And Kong. I HAVE…
Read More“THE MARKSMAN” – Better Beware
Film Synopsis: The Marksman. Arizona rancher, Jim Hanson (played by Liam Neeson) is trying to make a living on an isolated stretch of borderland. All he wants is to simply be left alone as he fends off eviction notices. But everything changes when he witnesses and 11-year old (played by Jacob Perez) fleeing with his mother, Rosa (played by Teresa Ruiz) from drug cartel assassins led by the ruthless Mauricio (played by Juan Pablo Raba). What will happen to the kid and Jim- The Marksman… GRADE: [A+] Starting 2021…
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