“The MAURITANIAN” – is Authentic

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Screenshot 20210706 235514 Photo FramesFilm Synopsis: The Mauritanian.{THIS FILM IS BASED ON TRUE EVENTS!!!} A detainee (played by Tahar Rahim) at the U.S. Military’s Guantanamo Bay Detention Center is held without charges for over a decade and seeks help from a defense attorney (played by Jodie Foster) & her assistant (played by Shailene Woodley) for his release. Do you know how many wrongfully accused men and women are rotting in prison for crimes that they did not commit? Do you even think about that – ever? Who fights for them, but themselves? Are they believed at all? Do they ever get to see justice? What do you think – the Mauritanian.


Injustice the Mauritanian had to face. How much of it still exists in the world today? Do you believe that it has gotten better? Worse? Stayed the same? After watching this film – I truly have NO idea how to answer my own question! Would you like to know what the WORST and most horrific part of this entire film is? The actor, Tahar Rahim who portrays Salahi (pictured below) deserves a nomination for his role! He really did a magnificent job for portraying the Mauritanian!
the mauritanian
The very end where the words are placed on screen about the film because this film IS based on factual and true events about what this man, Mohamedou Ould Salahi had to endure for 14 years all because authorities thought that he was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks because he was affiliated with some of the known terrorists. The Mauritanian was a man of courage and strength, I tell you that!
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I will say this though……………..although Hollander was going up against Lt. Colonel Stuart Couch in court and Couch had a personal vendetta against Salahi – there is a interesting twist in the movie with these two characters and I must say that I must give respect where it is due in this situation, because NOT all people would do what was done here. Oh, the Mauritanian! The Mauritanian 
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This film BROKE MY HEART! It did! It was so hard to watch all that this man had to go through just to be heard – just to be listened to…..I just cannot even begin to fathom how he kept his faith strong and alive for over 14 years in there – I just can’t!
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Rather than just question him- they detain him, beat him, threaten him, abuse him, and ship him off from camp to camp then ship him off to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba where he still tried to find peace and solace; praying to his God up above and trying to find happiness in such a ________ (I literally have no idea how to describe it) situation for all these years! He is a survivor. he is The Mauritanian!
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He made false confessions that were not true just to get food and to stop getting abused. He was locked up for 14 years without a single charge being brought up against him; NO fair trial. Even if you do not see this movie and just read up on this, it will break your heart just like it broke mine watching this film. 
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This is sickening!!! Even though when Nancy Hollander, and her assistant came along and helped him and he won his appeal, he still was not immediately released and then when he was released eight years later, he found a woman and he had a child and then they all could not live together. 
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This man just could not seem to catch a break and I do not care that I am telling you the movie. To me this is NOT only a movie, this is BASED on real events and this man suffered – there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND ABOUT THAT
I am such in awe at how he handled all of this adversity that was thrown at him and he kept his strong faith and kept to his convictions that he was innocent. Jodie Foster played a fierce role and as her portrayer said, “everyone is entitled to a defense.” THIS MAN REALLY NEEDED THAT AND THEN SOME FOR WHAT HE HAD TO ENDURE
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This is a film that pricks at your Soul, your heart, and if you have any type of heart, you will feel for this man and just take a breath and pray for the ones who you are still at Guantanamo Bay and hope that they close this camp or look into better alternatives for inmates there because no should should have to go through what Salahi did. NO ONE!
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“A true story that pricks @ your heart and Soul!” #TonightWithTrav

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