Film Synopsis of “The Book of Clarence” → Struggling to find a better life, Clarence (LaKeith Stanfield) is captivated by the power of the rising Messiah and soon risks everything to carve a path to a Divine existence!
Clarence. Does He Want – or Even Believe?
LaKeith Stanfield gives quite the performance as Clarence the Messiah in the film. I can appreciate LaKeith stepping into such a role of this caliber knowing full well that he was going to have to replicate some of the actions of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. You see I looked way beyond the comedy and humor in the film and saw the overall humility and sacrifice in the film and what it had to offer. Clarence was a non-believer until the more and more he preached (which was lies and blasphemy) and more of his friends came to him with their truths of Christ and seeing His miracles for themselves made him a believer in Him and himself.
Bear Witness to Him
The actor who portrayed Christ in the film did an amazing job. He was soft-spoken; kind-hearted; had all of the amazing qualities of Christ. There are so many religions and Churches in the world today that worship differently, but the ONE thing they ALL have in common is their love for Christ and how they strive every day to try to become more like him. There is a part in the film where before Clarence is nailed to the cross, he is asked to walk on water. We ALL have heard and know of this story from the bible. Clarence proclaimed & proclaimed that he was the new Messiah and wanted everyone to believe that this was his chance. Do you think he succeeded in doing so?
The Chapters of Clarence
The film is divided into 3 chapters, and I liked that. Each “book” as it was shown on the Screen illustrated the acts that Clarence took to prove his worth that he was worthy enough to become the 13th apostle. I simply am amazed at how Alfre Woodard’s character as Mother Mary described her giving birth to her son Jesus Christ to Clarence. I’m overwhelmed with how I was reminded of a mixture of Sunday School lessons, Passion of the Christ, & the real story as it is written in the Bible of what Jesus went through for us while watching the movie. I won’t lie. It wasn’t an emotional type of film, but it reminded me of what we should all keep in our minds and hearts – and that’s God and His Son.
It’s A New Age Story …
The film was very different than your typical Christian films & doing something different and out of the ordinary such as a film like this can be construed as being vile or even disrespectful, I can see BOTH sides and perspectives of that and I respect that because everyone is entitled to their feelings & opinions. But, as I stated earlier in my review, I feel the movie reminded me of Christ’s love, His Grace, and Him and we seem to forget about God and place Him on the back burner rather than placing Him in the forefront of our lives rather than in the rearview. Maybe having this film shown in a comedic way is a way to show society or get their attention that Christ is always here and around, and he should never be forgotten. We need Him when things are going good and bad. Don’t thank God when you receive blessings & you receive the things you pray for. Be humble. Thank Him EVERY DAY!
What an honest take on a touchy subject. I feel from this review, even if I wasn’t already going to see it, you have peaked my interest & I would check it out.
Lakeith is a Star actor and is such a talent!
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