Film Synopsis of “The Beekeeper“→ Mr. Clay (Jason Statham) is a former operative of a clandestine organization called “Beekeepers.” After his dear & close friend/neighbor, Mrs. Parker (Phylicia Rashad) dies by suicide after falling for a phishing scheme, Mr. Clay, a Beekeeper, sets out to exact revenge against the company responsible!
The Beekeeper Stings Who Need to Be Stung!
Jason Statham does not let us down in the movie! He is red hot on fire! When Statham is in an action film – he IS the action! He IS the man! He has THE plan! Throughout the entire film, he keeps referring to himself as a retired Beekeeper and it’s always been his mission to …” protect the hive.” The entire film is centered around bees and it’s highly symbolic as the film progresses forward. The terminologies and catchy phrases used by the characters can make you question whether you’re watching an action movie – or a movie about the life of bees and how to make honey with them. When I tell you how symbolic bees are in this movie – I AM NOT JOKING! If you get an opportunity to watch this in a special format such as IMAX/DOLBY 3D, my strong suggestion is to do it because it will be quite the adventure! It’s like watching John Wick and The Transporter combined with killer bees as a big bonus!!!
The “Statham Sting” ???
You already know I had to title one section of this! Statham goes after the vile & inhumane scum (I do NOT see them as human beings for why they did in the film to cause Mrs. Parker to take her own life I do NOT see them as human beings for why they did in the film to cause Mrs. Parker to take her own life) in the only way he knows how – the same way the phishers did: soulless and without a care in the world! I do not condone taking anyone’s life no matter what they have done, but there are consequences to our actions and Adam Clay felt he was 1,000% justified in going after the varied amount of scum that were phishing innocent people out of their entire life savings and then bragging about it and teaching others how to do it as if that is a legacy to be proud of and carry on! Adam says in the movie that sometimes the law takes too long, and justice may never happen for those who truly deserve it. What do you think about that – taking the law into your own hands due to the extent of the crime & you felt that person was going to get off because of wealth, power, and prestige? Would you sacrifice who you are as a person for justice or trust the law? Something to marinade on.
The Beekeeper & His Methods
Adam went after the ones who deserved no mercy and no forgiveness because if they had a conscience, they would have stopped victimizing innocent Americans every single day fooling them and trying to scam the innocent and the weak. Clay’s methods were ON POINT and he did everything to get to the big fish and for that I commend him. I always enjoy how bad boys love to call the shots and act tough in films, but then when it’s time to answer for their crimes, they revert to babies and cry and beg for their lives!
The Beekeeper Conclusions
I will tell NO lie that I was heartbroken @ the fact that Mrs. Parker felt she only had one option after she realized she had been scammed – to end her life. She must have known everything can be traced, investigated, and returned to her. Phishing happens every day along with identity theft, fraud, etc. That is why banks, and any financial institutions have safety measures in place for this very thing! In closing, besides that, the movie was a highly enjoyable, non-stop adrenaline-pumping action that Statham provides and a job beyond well damn done!!!
What a DEEP movie!!! I had no idea that was the premise, but heartbreaking. I don’t think we should ever take the law into our own hands; but it does make for gripping filming entertainment. Plus – seeing Jason kicking tail you know is always a plus:)
Yeah, you knew what the premise was because it was in the trailer. You just might have forgotten. That is tough ..deciding whether or not to take the law into our own hands if you feel justice won’t be served. Some people just can’t be OK with it and that’s a hard reality that we face …everyday.