Film Synopsis: Separation. A young girl (played by Violet McGraw) finds solace in her artist father (played by Rupert Friend), and the ghost of her dead mother (played by Mamie Gummer).
Sorry to say this, BUT….yes, this is quite another disappointment in the horror genre. Horror films are NOT what they use to be. It seems like no well known actors are in good scary movies any more. Utterly original & very dull! Okay, maybe I am over-exaggerating just a tad – but, believe you me; it is not by much. The movie did not even make me flinch in my seat once; not once! That is bad in itself. Second, there was no major actors in the film. I was just eating popcorn and watching not even trying to pay attention or follow along. This film blew me. It literally blew right on past me. I hated that I used my free membership for it, even! Yeah, that sucked! Bigtime, sucked. I mean it. Trust me on that!
I mean, Brian Cox is a big draw – but that was all, and his role was not even that pivotal, but he was seen throughout the entire film in bits and pieces. I am glad that the mystery did get solved of Samantha’s death – the culprit was not who I thought it was. When it was finally revealed, I was guessing all sorts of people @ the very last minute. If you choose to see the film, you might be able to figure it out. I knew exactly the precise moment when Samantha was going to be killed. They tried to make it an off-camera thing – but it was going to happen right when you knew that it was! She was a bad mother before she died though! A shame! Get a separation from this movie! Separation! Separation! Separation! Separation!
They tried to make it look like it was going to happen when you least expected it to; you know how movies do that when a death suddenly occurs out of no where and “out of the blue?” That is what happens here with the mother, Samantha. Now, I would like to dive in about the character of Jeff. I could see why Samantha felt the way that she did about him – that man was getting on my nerves with the way he behaved. That is all that I will say because I do not give spoilers when I write reviews and the information that I do give is already revealed in online clips/trailers.
But, I must say that he was a “hot mess!” The movie had crazy creatures and creaking noises, but that was nothing to sustain me, at least. This is a movie to put on to fall asleep to; or to just have on to make someone think that you are at home. It was not really enjoyable, and there was nothing extraordinary or scary about it, sadly. The husband. He was the most aggravating man in the movie. The father in law did not get on my nerves as much as the husband did! Lol! I was wondering in my seat waiting for some thing to happen or to come that never did! Separation!
There was not any advertisements about it and that should have been my or anyone’s first indication that the film was going to be a bust because if you have not heard of it, it’s for a reason- should you “separate” yourself from this or not is the BIG question…..only YOU can answer that! If you want to go to the movies to see something scary, go to the Concession stand and look at the prices and not look at this movie because there is nothing about it that is scary! That is the honest truth and I give nothing but honesty – pure, plain, and simple!

Pure bordem! Never should have been made or released into theaters!” #TonightWithTrav
Post Views: 1,642
Agree with you on ONE thing – the trailer was superb, but isn't that the entire point of trailers for movies – to show only the good and intriguing sections to try and lure us in? Lol! Thanks for the comment! Hope to see more from you!