“Bob Marley: One Love” …Stunning Inspirational Music Brings Breathtaking Unity & Peace!

Picsart 24 11 12 09 44 32 396 min

Film Synopsis of “Bob Marley: One Love” → A look @ the life of the legendary reggae musician, Mr. Bob Marley (portrayed by Kingsley Ben-Adair).


Picsart 23 12 23 23 23 58 248 min

One Love. 1 Heart. 1 Destiny.

vivid multicolored background abstraction 23 2147734143 minBob Marley was undoubtedly one of the most influential musicians of all time. His message of love and forgiveness was a testament to his unwavering belief in peace, unity, and love. In a world that often seems hopeless, Marley refused to accept that things could never change. Watching a film about him, I was struck by the question often posed in movies like Ms. Congeniality: “If you could have one wish, what would it be?” While many might answer with “world peace,” Marley’s music was a call to action to work towards that goal every day. What do you personally believe to be valid? Do you think that we can ever live in a world free of hatred, crime, bitterness, and violence, or is it …just a dream?



Rita & Bob Marley

vivid multicolored background abstraction 23 2147734143 2 minA successful marriage requires honesty and monogamy. Without these two essential elements, a marriage is bound to fail. 

Rita and Bob Marley are very similar to that of everyday modern-day couples today. Bob had children from previous affairs, and Rita was raising his kids along with theirs. While Bob was on tour, Rita cheated on him, and I cannot condone that in any way. 

Marriage vows are sacred, and I strongly disagree with couples breaking them. Not staying fully committed to your partner because of issues in your marriage will solve nothing. It will only bring resentment, dishonesty, and more enraged emotions that will ignite emotions that either person never knew were even there.




The Messenger Has to Become …. The Message.

vivid multicolored background abstraction 23 2147734143 1 minRita’s phrase, “Sometimes the messenger has to become the message,” makes it clear that Bob must be willing to make a significant sacrifice to demonstrate that peace and love can exist between enemies. It is possible to find common ground between adversaries, and even though Bob’s death will not bring about world peace, it is important to remember that life goes on. While some may argue that a drastic action could “shock the harsh truth” into people’s hearts and minds, I believe that simple and humble actions, such as Bob’s singing, can convey a deep and powerful message. His words were a source of power, enabling him to reach not only his people but also ALL people.





Not A Full Message of Truth

vivid multicolored background abstraction 23 2147734143 3 minThe film was enjoyable, but it had two major flaws. Firstly, it was too short for a biography film based on a real-life person. Secondly, it started in the middle of the man’s life, which was an incorrect portrayal of his story. If you want to create a powerful and inspiring film about someone’s life, you need to do it right. The film left me feeling unsatisfied, and it failed to do justice to the man’s story. It focused on the music during one pivotal moment in his life and then abruptly introduced his illness and ended the movie. This was not enough. He was more than just his illness, and the film failed to capture that.




Closing Remarks

vivid multicolored background abstraction 23 2147734143 4 minThis film should have placed more emphasis on his hardships and struggles and how he overcame the obstacles and became the legendary musician that he was because that is the message that should be relayed to audiences that watched this film because, in fact, that was the kind of man that he was – a messenger of faith and truth! I want to say that the film was a great watch, but it wasn’t because I felt that they did not do Bob Marley’s FULL life justice as I have written above. Overall, to have a movie about love …. what Bob preached to come into theaters on Valentine’s is symbolic and should have been more than what I witnessed on screen.

4 Thoughts to ““Bob Marley: One Love” …Stunning Inspirational Music Brings Breathtaking Unity & Peace!”

  1. Amy

    I was wondering if you were going to review this one! I was hoping it was an early life leading up to his stardom! 😀 How do you feel about the actor posing as him? Was he legit good!?

    1. Yes! I just fell behind a bit because I am out of town in Illonois currently. I thought the actor portraying him did a damn dynamite job! Actually & honestly, I felt as if he was Bob Marley because he had the look …the accent …the wardrobe …the WHOLE EVERYTHING!!!

  2. Jerry Jr.

    Based off the review, the movie makes you want more, leading to more questions than answers. The promotion of love, and peace, not war in correlation to his relationship with his wife undertone is significant as well. Everyone is constantly battling things, so what do you really want in your life. Happiness with the one you choose, or “War” within the household.

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