Film Synopsis of “Challengers” →Follows three players (Mike Faist, Zendaya, & Josh O’Connor) who knew each other when they were teenagers as they compete in a tennis tournament to be the world-famous grand slam winner and reignite old rivalries on and off the court! …and so, the Challengers and the Challenging Begins … If you’re looking for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, “top tier” is not how I would describe this film. However, Zendaya’s performance in Challengers is…
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“Femme” …When Revenge Becomes Sour With A Little Sweetness …
Film Synopsis of “Femme” → The film follows Jules (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) who is targeted in a horrific homophobic attack, destroying his life & career. Sometime after the traumatic event, he encounters Preston (George McKay), one of his brutal attackers at a local gay sauna …Jules wants revenge – but does he get it or something unexpected? The Gruesome Gay Bashing of Femme Jules It’s never easy to witness violent acts, let alone on a huge movie screen. It can shatter our hearts and ruin our…
Read More“Asphalt City” … Insane Paramedic Chases!
Film Synopsis of “Asphalt City” → Ollie Cross is (Tye Sheridan) a young paramedic assigned to the NYC night shift with an uncompromising and seasoned partner Gene Rutkovsky. Each 911 call is often dangerous and uncertain, putting their lives on the line daily to help others. What Is An “Asphalt City” Individual? When considering the term “asphalt,” certain attributes promptly emerge. Words such as “solid surface,” “concrete,” “resilient,” and “rugged” come to mind. These characteristics not only describe the neighborhood where paramedics Cross and Rutkovsky operated…
Read More“The Color Purple”: Sings Faith & Restoration …Fiercely
What’s “The Color Purple” About? A musical adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel about the life-long struggles of an African American woman, Celie (Fantasia Barrino) living in the South during the early 1900s. The Color Purple … IS … Resiliency! Any individual who watches this musical adaptation of the original film can appreciate that ANYONE in this cold, tough, cruel world can be resilient if they choose so to be and that’s what everyone told and asked of Celie: Shug, her sister, Nettie, Sofia, etc. They asked her to fight and…
Read More“Love Again”: Rekindles Excitement and Makes Love YOUR Assignment!
What’s “Love Again” About? A young woman, Mira Ray (Priyanka Chopra-Jones) tries to ease the pain of her fiancé’s death by sending romantic texts to his old cell phone number and forms a connection with the man (Sam Heughan) the number that has been reassigned. Cherish The Moments of True Love! Watching “Love Again” makes me; I am not sure about anyone else or any ladies in general, but this is me speaking and I am very open and candid with my feelings and expressing myself – it makes…
Read More“Mafia Mamma”: Questions Crime Bossing By Killing Innocents
What’s “Mafia Mamma” About? This film follows an American woman (Toni Collette) who inherits her Grandfather’s mafia empire in Italy. Guided by the film’s trusted consigliere, Bianca (Monica Bellucci), she hilariously defies everyone’s expectations, including her own, as the new Head of the Family business. Love Mafia Mamma As A Sicilian Nickname! Wouldn’t you just love to call your momma, Mafia Mamma? This was nothing but a female version of “The Godfather” if you ask me & I still would say that if they did not reference the movie…
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