Film Synopsis of “White Bird“→ A prequel and sequel to the 2017 film “Wonder.” Struggling to fit in at his new school after being expelled for his treatment of Auggie Pullman, Julian (Bryce Gheisar) is visited by his grandmother (Helen Mirren) & is transformed by the story of her attempts to escape Nazi-occupied France during World War II. How Pure Is the White Bird? The pure and striking beauty of white birds makes them a perfect symbol of peace and purity, often depicted near heavenly gates…
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“Back to Black” … From Booming Music ….to Optimal World Change!
Film Synopsis of “Back to Black” → The life & music of Amy Winehouse (Marisa Abela is portraying the role) through the journey of adolescence to adulthood & also the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time! Back to Black Regarding the documentary on Amy Winehouse, I found it lacking in providing a comprehensive understanding of her exceptional talent and the factors that contributed to her rise as a musical phenomenon. The portrayal of her struggles, including substance abuse and mental health issues,…
Read More“Arthur The King” …Nothing Is Rough! Be Courageous & Fierce
Film Synopsis of “Arthur the King” → An adventure racer, Mikael Lindnord (Mark Wahlberg) adopts a stray dog named Arthur to join him in an epic endurance race! Arthur The King Kings are what? Loyal. What else are they? Survivors. They have endurance and the stamina to keep pushing forward and prevailing. Never being afraid or anything to stop them from spiraling downward. They have the strong self-confidence and determination to succeed and have the fight in them to do anything; esp. to lead. All of these characteristics that…
Read More“Ordinary Angels” …Miraculously Appear with Fierce Passion When We Least Expect …
Film Synopsis of “Ordinary Angels“→ Inspired by the INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY of a hairdresser named Sharon Stevens (Hilary Swank) who single-handedly rallies an ENTIRE community to help a widowed father, Ed Schmitt (Alan Ritchson) save the life of his critically ill young daughter, Michelle Schmitt (Emily Mitchell)! What Makes Ordinary Angels? Being ordinary is as important as being distinctive. Use your talents to make a positive impact on others and become an ordinary angel. Every act of kindness matters, and it’s the sincerity of your heart and your…
Read More“Bob Marley: One Love” …Stunning Inspirational Music Brings Breathtaking Unity & Peace!
Film Synopsis of “Bob Marley: One Love” → A look @ the life of the legendary reggae musician, Mr. Bob Marley (portrayed by Kingsley Ben-Adair). One Love. 1 Heart. 1 Destiny. Bob Marley was undoubtedly one of the most influential musicians of all time. His message of love and forgiveness was a testament to his unwavering belief in peace, unity, and love. In a world that often seems hopeless, Marley refused to accept that things could never change. Watching a film about him, I was struck by the question…
Read More“Ferrari”: The Electric Speed. The Unforgettable History. The Precise Precision.
What’s “Ferrari” About? Set in the summer of 1957, with Enzo Ferrari’s (Adam Driver) auto empire in crisis, the ex-racer turned entrepreneur pushes himself and his drivers to the edge as they launch into the Mille Miglia, a treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy. The Family Dynamics of the Ferrari Family Enzo & Laura Ferrari started as the typical happy Italian family: dated, courted, became engaged, and then decided to have a family. Laura gave birth to their son, Dino Ferrari, which was going to be the heir to the…
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